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Division3 - Toney

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Save the downloaded .ZIP archive to a easy to get to place on your computer.such as your desktop etc.

Locate and Right Click to 'Extract' Files.


Run Toney before or during your iRacing,com Simulation session is running on your computer.

The Race Toy launcher will keep RaceToy up to date as updates to the plugin are released.

You will hear some voice/audio feedback from the application that it is loaded and running once it see's an active Simulation session on your computer.

Enter a driving session, Practice, Qual, Testing, Race. You will hear audio feedback from the application that it is active and managing your car's on track telemetry data.

You can leave the aplication running at any time, can exit at any time. Be mindful, it will only be managing your car's data while it is running in conjuction the sim.

Further information is available here

Windows 10 Smart Screen Notes
It has been sometimes seen where some users get warnings from Windows 10 Smart Screen and Defender antivirus warnings with either the download or the first time use of the plugin/s.

Being an executable program on the internet, tis is normal and valid for these warnings to be seen sometimes for such things on first use. Please See this Download Help for a bit of a walk through on how to let it complete and should after that no longer nag the user.
download validity notes
s To ensure downloaded file integrity, please see below for the .ZIP archive's Checksum.
MD5: 2ea2526232a4644c4638285d06fb2ab7